Goat Girl Cannabis

Cannabis Pest Control “A Real How To”

How to get rid of spider mites, fungus, powder mildew, and aphids for good!

“OMG Bugs!” First calm down; its just a bug! I know it can be scary to find your precious ladies covered in life sucking little demons. You run to the internet to find a solution and get crazy , even dangerous advice. No worries I can actually help you solve your spider mite and aphid problem without poisoning your cannabis plants or yourself! “No matter the size of your grow.” Plus a bonus also kills all fungus, molds, and mildews.

100% SAFE for you, your pet, and the environment! OMRI listed, inexpensive, And affective!

If you want to help support support the creation of content by Goat Girl, I get a small commission when you purchase these products. Links are provided for your convenance, they will take you to Amazon were you can purchase the items listed below.

Step By Step Pest Control Guide Goat Girl Style

Step 1: Throw out any toxic chemicals you are thinking may help! Never under any circumstance spray your cannabis plants with products like Avid or Forbid. Spider Mites develop immunity to pesticides very quickly. So the only thing you will accomplish is poisoning yourself and anyone the smokes your bud. AND you will still have a mite problem!

Step 2: Get a good sprayer! One that is easy to use and covers every centimeter of the plant. Coverage is key; you must be able to get under every leaf and down every stem. For small home grows I recommend using a electric Fogger/Atomizer strayer. You can find a cheap one on Amazon. For larger commercial marijuana grows I have a great inexpensive fix for you. Graco Magnum 262805 X7 Airless Paint Sprayer! “Yes I said paint sprayer,” I have found no better way then this paint sprayer to cover the enter grow with ease. It is a game changer! It make spraying easy, effective, and fast. 25 ft hose, high presser spray, and on wheels. Makes the job simple and easy! Get a 5 or 7 gallon bucket with lid. Cut a 3in hole in the center of the lid using a hole saw and your ready to go! You can also get a 100ft hose if needed.

Step 3: The best way to kill mites and aphids is to stop them before they can take hold. Spray every week during veg! Make sure to coat the entire plant, pot, and room. But if one of the pesky critters finds it way in then follow the instructions below.

What to spray with…. OIL!!! The only way to kill spider mites and aphids plus there eggs affectively is to smother them with oil. I know… I know using oil is a real pain in the ass. You have to stop shake it up every few minute and getting good coverage is hard. Well I promised solutions and I have a fix for this one too : Suffoil-X from Bioworks! I absolutely love this stuff. It flat out works and it is very inexpensive compared to the toxic chemicals some are using. Suff-X oil stays suspended in water so No Need to Shake! 2.5 gallons will last along time.

I use at 1.25 oz per gallon of water. I use Suffoil-X up to the second week of flower and on all my veg plants (mothers, pre flower, and clones). Spray with lights off  for indoor and spray early morning or evening for out door to avoid any burning or damage to your precious ladies. Spray every 3 days for 9 days; that’s a total of 3 times spraying over the 9 day period. Then spray weekly for ever!

Pure Crop 1 is my go to if my marijuana plants are in full bloom. Its OMRI listed, safe to use on your plants in full bloom, and doesn’t leave behind any residue. Tests clean parts per billion! 

How I Use It: 

  • Mild infestation I use it 1-oz per gallon every 3 days for a total of 9 days =3 sprays.  Then once a week till harvest.
  • Heavy infestation  1.5-oz per gallon of water every 3 days for at total of 9 days =3 sprays. Then 1oz per gallon once a week till harvest.
  • If you plants are covered in webs you messed up but still all is not lost… 2-oz Pure Crop 1 and 1-oz 99% Alcohol per gallon. Spray every other day for a total 4 strays. Then back to 1-oz per gallon every week till harvest. You will have some damage to your bud; not as much as the mites will do! AND it will still test clean!

Dilution Rates:

  • For curative treatment foliar spray: 1.5-oz to 2-oz per gallon every 2-3 days, or 1-1.5% v/v
  • For curative root zone: 1/2-oz per gallon every water, with or without nutrients, or 0.5% v/v
  • For preventative foliar spray: 1-oz per gallon every 7-10 days, or 1% v/v
  • For general surfactant use: 1-qt per 100 gallons of water, or 0.5% v/v
  • To maintain biostimulant benefits: 1-oz per gallon once a week, or 1% v/v

Does PureCrop1 Work Like Other Oils: No it does not!

Although its active ingredients are corn and soybean oil, PureCrop1 is not, nor does it act like an oil. Instead, our formulation process breaks down the oils into fatty acids, naturally rearranging them into the colloidal micelle.

The initial oils are broken down into Oleic Acid and Linoleic Acid in water. Then, the molecules are arranged by a natural process, controlled by temperature, while additional ingredients critical to the formation of the micelle are added. The particle size and electrical stability are what provide PureCrop1 with a unique mode of action. These charged micelles constantly fight against each other, keeping the diluted formula mixing indefinitely. These nano-sized emulsions offer numerous advantages over conventional chemicals in company & worker safety, sustainable results, and more rapid & reliable activation. 

If you still need more information on this amazing product check out there web site https://www.purecrop1.com/

“I Give You Goat Girls Word If You Follow My Instructions This Works”

” If you want to help support Goat Girl Cannabis I get commissions from the links in this article!

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